1. Report -

    This report outlines what has been done to date to ensure that the concerns and questions we heard from local people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire were addressed and responded to by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea council (RBKC) and West London Clinical Commissioning Group (WL CCG).
  2. Report -

    This report, details our staff and volunteers’ response, it is clear from our findings that COVID-19 has affected people in different ways and exacerbated existing health inequalities.
  3. Report -

    The COVID-19: Your Experience Matters survey was developed to capture the broadest range of experiences: in this report, we look at physical health and access to services; mental health and wellbeing; personal and family relationships; housing, environment and finances; and information.
  4. Report -

    This report tells you what Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people think about the services.
    We got these views from the COVID-19 survey.