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    We are looking for young people between the ages of 16-25 to respond to their consultation on local mental health services.
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    Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea have shared an update for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on the support available during the current lockdown.
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    The Grenfell Community Assembly is holding its next virtual meeting on Monday 25 January, at 18:00.
    The Assembly, which is run by Kensington & Chelsea, offers a forum for the Grenfell community to come together and discuss important issues.

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    In January 2020, we launched our Small Grants Programme – a first of its kind project for our organisation. We wanted to reach people in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea who find it hardest to be heard in conversations about health and social care. We awarded the recipients of our grant £500 to complete engagement with groups from these communities.
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    On Saturday 10 July, the Voice Exchange project will be hosting their next virtual drop-in session. This is an open discussion where you can share your thoughts and suggestions about local mental health services in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea.
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    As the NHS moves more services online, we have been speaking to local patients, residents, and carers about how well digital tools work for them
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    We’ve been hearing from a number of care home residents in Westminster and RBKC about the difficulties they have when trying to access dental care. This got us thinking about how dental care is managed in care homes.