1. News -

    In our first ‘in-person’ event after lockdown restrictions eased, we brought together people who receive home care, relatives, unpaid carers, and workers from Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea Councils for a workshop on improving local home care services.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Westminster and RBKC leads have completed a report on the importance of our local food aid resources and the residents they serve.
  3. Report -

    The purpose of this policy is to provide good practice guidance on Enter and View visits to ensure they are carried out in an effective, accountable and transparent manner
  4. Blog -

    Our recent co-production event brought together representatives from local authorities, mental health professionals, and young service users to discuss the findings from our recent report, 'Don't presume we are fine just because we look OK.'
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    We’ve been hearing from a number of care home residents in Westminster and RBKC about the difficulties they have when trying to access dental care. This got us thinking about how dental care is managed in care homes.
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    Healthwatch Central West London has today published a response to NHS England’s consultation on the future of Integrated Care Systems

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    The theme of this year’s report is ‘Then and Now’.  It’s been designed to highlight how our work in 2020-21 has helped local patients, residents, and carers engage with changes to health and social care provision during the pandemic.

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    As the NHS moves more services online, we have been speaking to local patients, residents, and carers about how well digital tools work for them
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    We were delighted to work with the Garway Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) earlier this month to help Garaway patients to understand the issues surrounding General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR).
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    For the past 8 months, we have been carrying out public engagement in collaboration with a range of grassroots partnerships to understand how people have been using health services and healthcare support ‘online’. Using health services in this way is becoming known as Digital Healthcare*.
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    Our work is focused on giving local people a voice in health and care; however, we also like to share when our work gets mentioned internationally…
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    Alongside this year’s Annual report, we have created an A5 booklet that shares the impact of our work, with a focus on tackling health inequalities and improving local services.
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    On Tuesday 7th December, we held our 2021 Annual Meeting.
    We brought together over 60 members, volunteers, staff, local colleagues, community partners, and members of the public to showcase our work and plan our priorities for the coming year.
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    We have published a new report, ‘Accessing Healthcare Digitally’. The report sets out the findings from our recent community engagement on the accessibility of digital healthcare tools. It also contains a comprehensive set of recommendations for service providers, designed to ensure that digital healthcare tools become as accessible and user-friendly as possible.
  15. News -

    From collaborating with local schools to auditing GP websites, discover how Young Healthwatch is exploring and representing the needs of young people in Kensington & Chelsea.
  16. Advice and Information -

    Volunteering roles are available for young people aged 18-25!
  17. Report -

    Public views on the closure of acute mental health in-patient services at the Gordon Hospital