1. Report -

    Our complaints process outlines how to make a complaint about us and our approach to making sure complaints are resolved.
    We aim to provide the best possible service, but we do not always get it right.
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    This report presents the findings of the Dignity Champions’ visit to Ellesmere House. The House is situated in the royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea and is run by Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd.
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    Sharing the views of 207 women across North West London
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    We engaged with patients and staff at Barlby Surgery to gather feedback on service accessibility and provided recommendations to the GP Practice based on this feedback.
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    We engaged with patients and staff at Golborne Medical Dr Ramasamy & Partners to gather feedback on service accessibility and provided recommendations to the GP Practice based on this feedback.
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    We engaged with patients and staff at Golborne Medical West Ten GP's to gather feedback on service accessibility and provided recommendations to the GP Practice based on this feedback.