Best foot forward: Community perspectives of podiatry services in RBKC

This engagement report explores service accessibility, quality of care, patient experiences, and quality of information and advice provided to Westminster & RBKC residents about podiatry services.

This project was developed by Healthwatch Westminster and Healthwatch RBKC in collaboration with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH). 

Our aim was to understand the factors affecting podiatry appointment attendance among bi-borough residents. Appointment non-attendance is a pervasive problem in the NHS: it can lead to delayed assessments and diagnostics, an increase in already long waiting lists, and a waste of administrative and clinical resources, increasing the costs of running services.

Our findings have important implications for addressing the linkages between social indicators and barriers to seeking care,  and can help promote health equity for at-risk groups. 

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RBKC Podiatry report

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