1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  2. News -

    NHS England use a technical document called The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment to make decisions about applications to open new pharmacies or to change their locations within Kensington and Chelsea. A public survey has recently been launched to find out what local residents in Kensington & Chelsea think of local pharmacy services.

  3. News -

    Find out what's open when, and what to do if you have a medical emergency.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Are you or your community affected by the new Pharmacy First scheme? How has it impacted your access to care? Do you have any feedback or concerns about the scheme? We want to hear from you!
  5. Advice and Information -

    Some GP surgeries and pharmacies will be closed over the long weekend - here's where you can find support for your health needs
  6. News -

    From 1 July, the NHS complaints procedure is changing - here’s what residents of Kensington and Chelsea need to know
  7. Report -

    Find out more about how we collect, process and store data.
  8. News -

    We've been working with our volunteers to put together a set of priorities, focusing on the issues that matter most to you.
  9. Report -

    Our annual report for 2022/2023 is now out!
  10. Report -

    The purpose of this policy is to provide good practice guidance on Enter and View visits to ensure they are carried out in an effective, accountable and transparent manner
  11. News -

    Volunteering opportunities as Advisory Board members are now open at Healthwatch Kensington & Chelsea!
  12. Report -

    Find out more about our commitment to equality and diversity.
  13. Blog -

    Our upcoming projects and priorities for 2024
  14. News -

    We are looking to collect information about residents’ experiences booking and accessing GP appointments across North West London
  15. Report -

    Find out more about our Independence Policy
  16. Report -

    You can find here our Conflict of Interest Policy
  17. Report -

    Find out more about our Prioritisation Process
  18. Advice and Information -

    After recent meetings allowed Healthwatch to share and reflect on patient safety concerns, we developed an intermin escalation process. Read about it and our longer-term plans here.